Alternative Institutions

OHRD envisions a world in which coops, and other alternative institutions, are an economic strategy to create a new system, based on cooperative principles and collective ownership that enables the restructuring of power, resources and wealth in order to protect and sustain human rights, dignity and justice.

Current Cooperatives

OHRD is currently supporting the following enterprises and efforts:

  • The Metro Atlanta Mutual Aid Fund was created by community members from metro-Atlanta who have witnessed the needs of their neighbors at this time of crisis.

    While COVID-19 is a health pandemic, it has crippled economies and interrupted markets, causing wide-spread unemployment. Our concern is not with fixing the economy but instead with meeting the needs of people left with uncertainty and disruption.

    While MAMA Fund is focusing on raising and distributing money in the short-term, the collective is also actively building the infrastructure for a post-capitalist system by creating a time-banking and skill-sharing mechanism to participate.

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  • A radical vision for educating our children and supporting Black and Brown mamas and families in a practice of decolonized learning. Lakou is a global cooperative learner-centered, self-directed community, rooted in a joyful and nourishing practice of liberation.

  • Regenerate Atlanta is a micro-loan fund and developer of worker-owned cooperative businesses in Atlanta.

    RA provides both educational and funding for businesses that are starting off as co-ops or businesses that want to convert into co-ops. RA supports new and existing enterprises through a democratic, non-extractive, forward paying, environmentally sustainable model.

    The co-op academy that RA runs focuses on education around what a co-op is and how to set one up, as well as the political significance of increased economic democracy created through worker-owned cooperatives.

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  • The Free Atlanta Abolition Movement is a collective of Black organizers who are committed to building a community based movement to abolish the prison industrial complex by using tactical bail outs to free our people from cages and aid in the stabilization of community members upon release.

    Guided by the lived experiences of formerly-incarcerated folx, FAAM works to free our people from cages and to resource a network of healing, legal & mutual aid as we organize to build alternative futures for ourselves and our communities.

    We are Atlanta’s first and only Black autonomous bail fund!

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  • Anna Julia Cooper Learning & Liberation Center

    SouthWest Atlanta Food Coop